Our Company
至佳滅蟲有限公司 的宗旨是以提供安全及有效的滅蟲服務給我們的尊貴客户由有超過20年滅蟲經驗的專業技術員為客户解决蟲害問題。
- 專為住宅,商廈及工厦提供安全及有效的滅蟲服務
- 首要注重客人對我們服務的滿意度
- 應付環境衛生水準提高之需求
- 配合新科技設施和先進設備
- 對蟲類及蟲害的認識認知
- 綜合蟲害防治及管理
- 蟲害控制新科技及產品
- 應用技術及專業服務
- 所有技術員受過專業訓練及可信賴
Best Green Pest Control Limited aims at delivering safe and effective pest control services to our customers with professional expertise and technicians with more than20 years field and technical experience to solve your pest problems.
Our mission
- Rid unwanted pest from your home, commercial and industrial premises with safety and effectiveness method
- Customer satisfaction is our top priority
- Cope with the demand of manipulation environmental sanitation
- Co-Ordinate with the new technical facility and advance equipment understanding of insect class and synthesis insect pest
- Integrated pest management system
- Pest management with new technology and products
- Application of new technologh and professional service
- Well trained and trustworthy inspectors and technicians
- Applying of government approved, environment-friendly and
biodegradeable pesticides